Examination Incharge





Mrs.A.Caroline grace







 Roles and Responsibilities of Examination In-Charge


  1. Estimation of stationary requirements for sesssional exams and end examinations(both theory and Labs) – Printing of answers Booklets for internal examinations.
  2. Preparation of internal examination time table for both theory and Practicals.
  3. Coordinating the works of the examination arrangement  for both  Diploma and  Bachelor Degree during the sessional/University/Board examination
  4. Conduct of both internal examination and University Examination after our college gets approved as examination centre
  5. Distributing the answer scripts to the respective subject incharge for corrections and receiving back to store in examination control room
  6. Collection of attendance/internal marks prescribed format from the class incharges.
  7. Getting the panel of internal examiners list approval for theDean/ Principal
  8. Liasioning with the Pondicherry University
  9. Detained list and promotion list – Preparation of nominal rolls
  10. Any other related works